When someone searches your name online, they can build up an initial opinion based on the things they see, particularly on the first a couple of pages of search engine results. The search outcome will determine their impression of you.
Searchers first impression from what they’ve seen on search engines will determine their next course of action whether they want to deal with you or just move on due to their findings whether it is personal or business.
Whatever the case maybe, there are steps that you may take to get a handle on the way that your reputation and brand are perceived online by actively monitoring, tracking and managing your Online Reputation Score or Digital Score in the areas you might require to improve on in order to boost your Online Reputation Score or Digital Score.
The First step into developing and enhancing your Online Reputation/Digital Score is to know what your score is and to work on a plan to enhance and improve it. Your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score is becoming similar to your Credit Report Score with more emphasis on your overall behavior vs. just your financial behavior.
Why is your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score Important?
As you’ll see below there are many factors that determines your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score importance. Why a good Online Reputation Score/Digital Score matter? Because it affects how people view you and whether to interact with you on a personal or business level. ts centered in your own Google search engine results.
The following are some important factors about how important your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score in many aspects or your life:
- A company may choose to hire you or someone else
- Whether you get promoted or not within your company
- Investors may decide not to invest or partner with you in your business
- You may not get elected due to your Online Reputation
- Potential clients may not do business with you
- You may not get accepted or not into a certain college
- On a personal level some may or may not agree to date you
Should you get a strong knowledge and comprehension of the best way to appear online, you are going to discover that it is much simpler to acquire success within the aforementioned scenarios and also other associated scenarios which can come up within our everyday lives.
Individuals, Organizations, and corporations everywhere are taking Online Reputation Scores/Digital Scores into greater consideration with the searcht volume tendencies increasing radically in the past few years on a personal and business levels.
The rising of search tendencies reveal that this concept is growing increasingly more of an issue carrying a high degree of significance in many different types of personal and businesses within many industries, i.e. universities and colleges, supermarkets, grocery stores, small shops on many social network sites along many online platforms.
Key Factors Makeup Your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score
Search Engine Results
One Of the very crucial aspects in deciding on your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score is assessing how your search results appear online. For people, this can be generally a view of your name while companies may be interested in other search factors that people maybe interested in doing business with them i.e. restaurants, doctors, attorneys, … etc.
While trying to analyze those search results, you will find a number of facets to think about such as:
- Name uniqueness
- Number of search results
- Search impressions
- Competition within your search results
- Search relevance
- Domain authorities of such searched term
- Websites visibility on first pages of search engine
- Number of positive or negative search results on first pages of search engine
Once you’ve collected enough information on your search terms on many relevant sites online in addition to articles on all internet sites pages, blogs, forums, etc., is to analyze the content into positive negative or neutral categories to start managing your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score.
The following are some determining factors of your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score:
- Unique content vs. duplicate
- Visibility on various type of forums, social media sites, personal sites, … etc.
- Integrating negative content with your positive content
- Quality and relevance of search results
Pictures and Video
Even though written articles is just one of the main aspects in determining your Online Reputation Score/Digital Scores, graphics, videos and other kinds of visual articles are also exceptionally considered. In the current modern world where people desire their information fast and easily available, visual articles have become ever more common and utilized on the web. Favorable videos and images may perform wonders to a Digital Score while negative graphics and videos may certainly cause a loss of a job or not being considered for a promotion.
The following are some factors to consider
- Appropriateness
- Original pictures Compared to inventory photographs or graphics taken from additional resources
- Tagged photographs on Linked In, Facebook, Instagram, along with other profile sites
- Alt-text and name tags
- Profile photographs
- Info Graphics
Social Media Sites
Social Media platforms may be great tools to boost participation, build relations, and donate to essential conversations with individuals all around the entire world. But, there are also numerous ways social networking users may scale up or drop down catastrophically in one click of a button in which situation Online Reputation Management (ORM) i.e. monitoring and managing is needed.
The following social media factors can contribute to your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score
- Quantity and variety of social media sites you are actively running
- Quantity and quality of posts
- Engagement with others online
- Others engaging with your posts
- Quality, appropriateness, and value of articles
Having an effective linking strategy is vital to establishing authority in your profiles and sites while also helping users find your content. Whenever you can establish links from outside sources like guest blogs, news articles, you’re building credibility and trust for your own brand and enhancing your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score. At the same time, assembling links on low-quality, spammy websites or blogs unrelated to your industry will penalize your sites and lead them to drop into positions, effectively lowering your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score.
The following are some linking factors to consider regarding your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score
- Internal external hyperlinks
- No-follow hyperlinks
- Click through rates
- Quality and significance of hyperlinks compared to spammy hyperlinks
- Authority of websites where you are receiving hyperlinks (.edu, .gov, etc.. )
Public Online Reviews
Most Of all the aforementioned factors are elements which you could get some or even total control over when developing your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score. You can get a handle on the articles and graphics you control in addition to the manner in which you act on social networking sites.
One thing that you don’t as much control over is what others are posting about you online.
The following are factors to look for while enhancing your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score
- News and online reviews
- Posts and reviews on blogs, forums, articles, etc..
- Content released by competitions, disgruntled clients and employees, etc..
- Quantity, quality and recency of posts
In many areas, you’ll find strategies to get rid of and curb those unwanted reviews and posts, nevertheless the process of dealing with such negative reviews and posts maybe a daunting task to many while working on enhancing their Online Reputation Score/Digital Score.
It’s important to be watching for references of your name or brand with online monitoring and tracking tools like Google Alerts, therefore you’ll be able to manage such potential issues directly before they eventually create major damage for your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score.
Determining your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score will allow you to detect any possible damaging factors therefore you are aware of just how close you will be on a catastrophe or just how secure you’re out of averting a catastrophe. Bear in mind your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score is going to be a main factor in monitoring and managing your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score.
Online Reputation Scores/Digital Scores are beginning to be added into every element into someone’s life from hiring, dating, being considered for a job or a business loan, .. etc.
To establish, monitor, manage and improve your Online Reputation Score/Digital Score contact us to help you positively enhance your online presence.